MonsterCat75....a cat old enough to vote

A bit of political commentary from the inside of the establishment. I have been readin quite a bit of nonsence about 911....Iraq....this Stoffel mystery....and just thought I would add a bit of sanity.

Monday, March 26, 2007

On the State of the union address.

While I listening to the response I found a slightly different note that I have not heard commented on. The Speaker for the democrats mentioned that the solders we are loosing right now are not dieing for the mission we went into Iraq for.

The quote from that night is
DURBIN: "I don't know. But I'll tell you this: I think that it's important that we finally have a voice.

It's been four years since we voted on the use-of-force resolution. If you look at the purpose of our invasion of Iraq, frankly every single element is unnecessary today. There is no Saddam Hussein. There are no weapons of mass destruction."

I am not sure is many people realize the connection there, between the ouster of Saddam and the weapons of mass destruction comment.

Many people do not realize more than 100,000 people died per year directly at the hands of Saddam. This has been widly documented by human rights organazations.

So let's do the math...we have been in Iraq for 3.5 years....the highest estimates of the iraq's kill by our troops(an invading army) is around 60000. So, 290000 more Iraqi citizens are alive today because we invaded a what are we really doing wrong over there.

These people do not have a memory any better than a goldfish.

This man gassed his own people for goodness sake, and they have the gall for call Bush a Nazi. Give me a break. If you carefully read the news you will find Saddam had everything nessisary to build any type of weapon he wanted.

So what, we did not find them assembled. Bid deal, he had what it took to out them together, and he had shown he was not averse to using them.

On illegal immigration.

Why has no one traced the correlation between youth crime and illegal immigration?

While I was a teen in the 80's I noticed a steep decrease in the jobs available to the teenage youthand yet, that the same time there was a steep increase in illegal immigration. So, these jobs were not simply going away....they were being taken by illegal immigrants...those willing, no actually asking, to work for less than the legal minimum wage.

I do not believe ejecting all illegal immigrants from this country would have a long term negative impact. I believe it would actually reduce the number of our own legal population we find in our jails.

I have a solution to the liberal newspaper endorsements of the democratic candidates.

What if some watchdog group pursued the newspaper endorsements as defacto "in-kind" political contributions, or free advertising. In this line of thinking if a newspaper endorsed a candidate you could easily calculate the value of the free advertising this implies and just like the on air ads of the TV stations....the newspapers would then be forced to carry free ads from the non-endorsed candidates of equal value.

Believe me I have no problems with the newspapers reporting news on any political candidate, I just have a problem with them giving endorsements (free advertising) to them.

Just a thought.

On the lighter side of the mis-management of money in Iraq.

I was just thinking about all these billions of dollars lost in the rebuilding effort in Iraq (most of it Iraqi money) could say this was just the family/friends of Sadam Hussein simply stealing back the money our troops impounded from what was found in the his palaces. :)

I thought it was in the 100's of millions. Although, we are not sure if the money we found was from the oil for food program or simply tax dollars he kept for himself. I guess we can't ask him now huh.

Maybe we should ask Kofee Anan if he know where Sadam got the cash he stuffed in the wall.

Hmmm....I thought I have been posting out here for the past several months....but I guess we have some missing memos....six that I can find in my e-mail we go.