Many people do not realize more than 100,000 people died per year directly at the hands of Saddam. This has been widly documented by human rights organazations.
So let's do the math...we have been in Iraq for 3.5 years....the highest estimates of the iraq's kill by our troops(an invading army) is around 60000. So, 290000 more Iraqi citizens are alive today because we invaded a what are we really doing wrong over there.
These people do not have a memory any better than a goldfish.
This man gassed his own people for goodness sake, and they have the gall for call Bush a Nazi. Give me a break. If you carefully read the news you will find Saddam had everything nessisary to build any type of weapon he wanted.
So what, we did not find them assembled. Bid deal, he had what it took to out them together, and he had shown he was not averse to using them.
So let's do the math...we have been in Iraq for 3.5 years....the highest estimates of the iraq's kill by our troops(an invading army) is around 60000. So, 290000 more Iraqi citizens are alive today because we invaded a what are we really doing wrong over there.
These people do not have a memory any better than a goldfish.
This man gassed his own people for goodness sake, and they have the gall for call Bush a Nazi. Give me a break. If you carefully read the news you will find Saddam had everything nessisary to build any type of weapon he wanted.
So what, we did not find them assembled. Bid deal, he had what it took to out them together, and he had shown he was not averse to using them.
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