MonsterCat75....a cat old enough to vote

A bit of political commentary from the inside of the establishment. I have been readin quite a bit of nonsence about 911....Iraq....this Stoffel mystery....and just thought I would add a bit of sanity.

Friday, July 28, 2006 these people in the Middle East who keep blowing themselves up and the people just walking down a street or eating in a cafe are calling their group freedom fighters...

You know I think you and everyone else needs to get a clue about your movements.

If you target ANYTHING or ANYONE not connected the government or your foe, you are not a freedom fighter, you are not a soldier, you are a MURDERING coward period.

In conversation with people I have discussed the similarities between the PLO type organizations and Vietnamese, Koreans, even the American revolutionaries. The world needs to learn the difference between guerrilla warfare and terrorists.

These are people who have no other goal in life but to kill innocent people to accomplish what…to make a statement...well guess what guy’s...the people you were trying to make the statement in front of are now DEAD and everyone in the west you are trying to impress now know you are just a murderer.

OK so let’s look at this in a little more detail…

Some people in the US want to compare the terrorist organizations to the American revolutionaries…I can understand some of the arguments, but the differences make all similarities pale by comparison.

1. Similarity. American revolutionaries were not uniformed soldiers (to begin with)
2. Similarity. They were not soldiers of a sovereign nation (to begin with).
3. Similarity. The revolutionaries did hide their soldiers and at time arms in the houses or neighborhoods of civilians.
4. Similarity. They fought in loosely confederated outfits to begin with using sneak attacks and nuisance raids to distract their opponents.
5. Difference. They did acknowledge that people were entitled to a different opinion.
6. Difference. They did NOT deliberately target civilians and kill.

Points 5 and 6 make all the difference. In any religion I have seen Murder is wrong…I have not found any religion that states killing of an innocent person is acceptable. EVEN ISLAM decries murder. But, because its religious leaders are giving their leave (and at times praising) these men who do such atrocities the world is beginning to shift. Some of the mullahs may think it helps get their point across…but all it really is doing is polarizing the world against a religion whose roots are the same as Judaism and Christianity, a peace loving religion who wants to help the poor and down trodden, and believes in the one God of Abraham.

In the end the major difference between the modern terrorist and all other fighters is they target the helpless.

This in itself demonstrates a thought process totally alien to the people of a freedom based society like the US or Australia (plus many others). These countries/societies believe EVERY person has the right to choose how to live their lives. The people of a Judeo-Christian thought process believe even if a person does not believe in God yet (so long as they are not a threat to others) that they should be given the chance to live long enough to make the choice to believe in God. The tactic of the terrorists proves that they do not truly believe they are doing anything but increasing the number of people who they do think should not have a choice of what to do with their own lives (including believe in God).

Terrorists are the slime of existence.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

As we, here in the west, sit and watch the events in the mid-east play out it seems easy to sit and take sides...we think the certain countries are our long time allies....we think others simply want to rule the world....and we are usually wrong partially or fully about all of them.

Remember one of the major spy scandals of the past 20 years in the US was one of Israel spying on the US… that the sign of a friendly relationship. The world does not seem to understand that the US only supports Israel because it keeps getting attacked.

We in the west have a Judeo-Christian perspective where forgiveness is a reality…this seems not to be the perspective of the Muslim community where everything is the fault of the crusades, crusaders or the zionists…ignoring what brought on the crusades or even the dark ages. The crusades were not the search for the holy grail….they were the quest to keep the holy lands from being subjugated by a people/religion who’s intolerance looks for the death of anyone who disagrees with them.

Whether this is the stance of Islam or not, that is the face it presents to the world....TODAY. If you disagree with this statement then name me a country that calls it self Muslim that allow freedom of religion, Freedom of the press, or any type of women rights.

This needs to be accepted as a real difference between the Judeo-Christian block of this global conflict and Muslim block can you live in an integrated society….and can you forgive.

Monday, July 10, 2006

About the Irey congressional bid.

As much as I completely despise Murtha....the Irey clan is none-the-better, although their problems are due to their big-headedness.

Diana has been trying to get the Dale Stoffel family to allow her to use the story in her campaign....the truth of the story is that the Ireys NEVER had anything to do with the contracts that made the news...CLI is a brick and mortar construction company which was trying to ride the coat tails of the defense contracting company WyeOak the blogs carefully and you will find that Bob was along for the ride. He thought this guy Dale Stoffel was some special-ops guy.....he (Dale Stoffel) was just a business man who lost more than 20 million and his life in Iraq.....I believe the Ireys or CLI are even suing the estate...boy that would be good for her campaign.....having your husband/husbands company suing the estate of a business man who was working to further our countries policies and died in a war zone.

What a way to finance a campaign....suing dead patriots estates. Maybe this explains the RNC's distance from the Irey camp......Santorum is already in trouble for this (thanks to Irey's) lets not lose a congressional race because of it too....RNC find a credible candidate.....Please! I believe the republicans are not trying to abandon the this area....this is simply one race they do not want to be involved in Murtha will be a tough person to beat in the democratic rust belt area.

The Irey's are a political family of the Western PA area and want to expand their powerbase further.....locally is where this political family should stay. They have mettled enough in the national and international scene....and people died.

They should stay home.
