MonsterCat75....a cat old enough to vote

A bit of political commentary from the inside of the establishment. I have been readin quite a bit of nonsence about 911....Iraq....this Stoffel mystery....and just thought I would add a bit of sanity.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Just a note I sent to a talk show....that was used on air.

I was listening to a radio talk show show on the way to work this morning....and was quite astounded by the comments the ex-prof was making...although I guess I should have expected it given the state of our establishments of "higher" education. That people still believe the US government was responsible for all of the attacks on 9/11.

I personnally know one of the witnesses to the plane going into the Pentagon. Her life has never been the same since....she was a employed in the Alexandria, VA had family there and all and moved immediately from DC back to her home town in western PA.

Plus, the Petagon released about two months ago the parking lot surveillance tape that everyone was clamoring know the one they say was impounded because it showed a "drone".

Well guess what, it showed a commercial airliner clear enough to see the tail markings. The government said the tapes would not be released due to an on going criminal investigation....well the Moussaoui trial ended just weeks before they released them.

All of these nut cases astound me....they claim that this was all a conspiracy of Bush...but the explosives were there for years...well how many 2, 4 5...that would mean that Clinton was in on this too..or are they implying it went all the way back to Reagan and Bush sr....or maybe they were put in place when the building was built.

Now lets get back to reality.

There needs to be a distinction made between knowing what is happening and committing the act ones self.

I am sure that our government knew about the hijackings before the rest of us...but that does not mean they had a plan to deal with it that would have caused less damage than we all sustained that day.

Yes, we may live in the most powerful country on earth right now.

But, the government is not God.

The government does not know everything everyone will do.

If the government could do half the things people accuse them of, we would not be in the situation we are with terrorism. We would not still be in Iraq three years later, we would not be concerned about North Korea, and we would not be concerned about Iran.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

There have been a lot of people who are still complaining about us going into Iraq as it not being related to our war on terrorism. Many things need to be considered when you take such stands.

1) When we went into Afghanistan it was not as retribution for 9/11 it was to eliminate a government that supported terrorism and to make sure a 9/11 did not happen again.
2) Saddam Hussein had a program, everyone in the press knew about, that paid the families of suicide bombers who blew them selves up against any western power. (mostly Israel I am sure) Most fail to realize the significant decrease in suicide attacks against Israel in the past three years. (and they say it is not about money)
3) The last country to make widespread use of weapons of mass destruction was Iraq. Both against its own people (the Kurds since the first gulf war) and against the Iranians during the Iran/Iraq conflict.
4) If people would bother to read the entire contents of the report about the Iraqis pursuit of nuclear material in the 2000-2003 timeframe they would find out that it does not say they were not trying to get any. It says they did not understand why the Iraqis would be interested in buying any from anyone else because they already had enough yellow cake to do just about anything.
5) More people died per year at the hands of the Iraqi government during the reign Saddam than at the hands of the Americans during an all out war on the country. Although, now the most casualties are being caused by insurgent factions simply bent on destabilizing the country, not the US led forces.
6) If the insurgents were really interested in getting the US out they would simply lie low for two years and take over after we left. They are not interested in a stable Iraq at all. The insurgents have repeatedly proven themselves to be nothing but murdering cowards who can do nothing but kill the defenseless innocent.

OK so back to this side of the ocean. I think things in the US are (could) be much better than we have considered.

Yes there are those politicians who have been using the suffering of even our own troops to their political gain. Those people who know that we are in Iraq for all the right reasons but yet continue to complain and hack at the current administration for personal glory only because they want more power.

Then you have those poor people like Rick who know better....and hate not being able to say anything....I think that was what was soo interesting about his radio interview...he audibly had great personal issues with not being able to directly answer the questions being asked. I think my opinion of the man actually went up. Any man who has issues with being personally evasive obviously has issues with lies.....he wanted to answer but national security policy prevented it. He hinted an awful lot... but could not say anymore than was already in the public arena.

It was very encouraging; I think he revealed that he is a true man of integrity.

A John Heinz but without Theresa

Santorum was on the Sean Hannidy radio show last week discussing ...or should I say repeatedly evading questions about weapons in Iraq....what is there...was there....and what we have not moved out yet. I am trying to get a transcript.....he was was quite interesting to listen to......too bad he is in this situation due to actions…oh never mind about that.

So...all of these people who know what really has gone down here....are they worse people for not saying anything to preserve others dignity than those who know the truth but spread lies for their own political gain ?

Do not take that to mean I believe the current administration or the US at all instigated any of the horrific acts perpetrated on the US and its friends over the past 40 years. I know the US did not instigate any of the attacks. That does not mean that once things were in motion the government did not know what was happening. That does not mean that people scattered throughout the government knew nothing about the people who planned and/or committed these horrific acts. That does not mean they could do anything about it......sometimes the solution is worse than the problem.

The simple fact that in the United States VERY few people could have before 9/11 even conceive of someone committing such acts against innocent civilians who were doing nothing wrong except going to work that morning or boarding the wrong plane.

There needs to be a distinction made between knowing what is happening and committing the act ones self.

Whether we like it or not (I personally like it), we in the US can not arrest someone for not liking us, we can not apprehend them for thinking bad thoughts, we can not arrest them for talking to bad people (we may track there actions afterwards though), we are a free people. If no law has been broken you can do what ever you want.

So, until these people hijacked those four planes, if they were in the US legally. Barring someone having first hand knowledge of the conspiracy, the most the government could have done was track the people under suspicion of conspiracy to commit federal offences.

Yes, we may live in the most powerful country on earth right now. But, the government is not God. The government does not know everything everyone will do.

If the government could do half the things people accuse them of, we would not be in the situation we are with terrorism. We would not still be in Iraq three years later, we would not be concerned about North Korea, and we would not be concerned about Iran.